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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2.1 Benefits

1. Stray Animal Population Control

Thousands of stray animals and unwanted litters face euthanasia or are suffering on the streets. Starting from 2 cats, you can end up with as many as 20,000 kittens and cats in a matter of 7 years.

The majority of strays cannot get sufficient food, are exposed to diseases and to the taunting and cruelty of heartless people; they often also end up maimed or dead from accidents.

2. Health Benefits

- Decreases the risk of mammary tumors (breast cancer)
- Eliminates the risk of uterine infections (pyometra)
- Reduces the risk of TVT (Transmissible Venereal Tumour), a sexually transmitted

- Reduces the chances of TVT
- Eliminates the risk of testicular cancer
- Markedly reduces the risk of prostrate cancer, anal gland cancer

3. Behaviour Benefits

- Reduces stress
- Prevents wandering and roaming in search of females, which can lead to:
- Road accidents
- Fighting leading to wounds and infections
- Spread of diseases such as TVT
- Eliminates marking of territory by urine spraying and reduces odour
- Reduces interdog aggression.
- Avoid embarrassing moments where dogs like to 'mount' on people’s leg.
- Eliminate the frantic pacing and crying while in heat.
- Spayed and neutered pets are more relaxed, and more homely.

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